Runners ‘string’ in for 2023 Festival 5K
While the Sept. 9 Banana Festival 5K Color Run’s “color” source was altered from the use of colorful powder to celebrate runners reaching the finish line, to sprays of silly string awaiting the participants, the early morning weather was perfection for the field of runners, ranging in age from under 19 to over 70.
Festival event Chairman Rebecca Holtzclaw announced Addison Stubblefield, a South Fulton High School student was the winner of the 19 and under classification; Kelsey Stubblefield was the winner in the age 20-29 division; Martha Whittaker won the 30-39 age division and was also the recipient of the award for the Top Female runner; Brian Swift won the age 40-49 division; Shawn McCorkle and Terry Ballard won the age 50-59 division; Hall Fuqua won the men, age 60-69 division and was the recipient of the Overall Top Male runner; Cathy Fuqua won the female age 60-69 division and James Spears and Ambrose Wilson won the age 70 and up division.
A special group of participants traveled from Louisville, Ky. and the surrounding area, to participate in the Banana Festival 5K this year, with a goal to run a race in all 120 Kentucky counties. Ambrose Wilson, who ran in Saturday’s 5K, has previously completed that challenge and now roots on the ladies in the group as they complete their challenge.
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