October 17, 2023

The South Fulton City Commission will meet for regular monthly session on Thurs., Oct. 19 at 5 p.m. in the commission room of the South Fulton Municipal Complex, accessible through the rear parking lot entrance to the complex. The meeting is open to the public.

The meeting's agenda includes the following: 1. Call to order by Mayor; 2. Pledge of Allegiance; 3. Invocation

; 4. Roll call; 5. Approval of minutes; 6. Review of September disbursements; 7. Approval of Financials; 8. Approval of Department Reports; 9. Communication from Mayor; 10. Report from City Manager; 11. Commissioners Comments, Questions, and Suggestions; 12. Old Business; A. Ordinance 2023-03 Final reading (An Ordinance Establishing a Maximum Amount forPurchases Without Public Advertisement and Competitive Bidding); 13. New Business; A. Proclamation for Family Court Awareness Month in November; B. Side Walks; C. S.O.S; D. Health insurance for employees; 14. Citizen Comments -Non- Agenda Items: A. Sharye Hendrix – S.O.S and Bulk Pick Up; B. Kathye Stem – S.O.S and City Manager Comments; 15. Sign-In sheet for Question, Comments, and Suggestions Germane to the agenda; 16. Adjournment

To speak about items germane to the agenda, speakers must sign the sign in sheet on the back pew when entering the commission room. To speak on items not listed on the agenda, speakers must call South Fulton City Hall on the Friday before the meeting to be put on the agenda.

Guidelines to speak are as follows: three minutes are allowed to speak; sign in sheet is for addressing items listed on the agenda; to speak on items not listed on the agenda, the City Recorder must be contacted on the Friday prior to the meeting, for speaker to be placed on the agenda, in order to prepare packets for the commissioners.