November 13, 2023

The South Fulton City Commission will meet for regular monthly session on Thurs., Nov. 16 at 5 p.m. in the commission room of the South Fulton Municipal Complex. The meeting is open to the public and is accessible through the rear parking lot entrance of the complex.

The following items are listed on the meeting's agenda: 1. Call to order by Mayor; 2. Pledge of Allegiance; 3. Invocation; 4. Roll call; 5. Approval of minutes; 6. Review of October disbursements; 7. Approval of Financials;

8. Approval of Department Reports; 9. Communication from Mayor; 10. Report from City Manager; 11. Commissioners Comments, Questions, and Suggestions; 12. Old Business: A.; 13. New Business: A. Seal Bidding for Monitoring Well Installation; B. Planning and Zoning – Adding new board member.; C. Ordinance 2023-04 (AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT A SCHEDULE OF CHARGES, FEES, AND RATES FOR REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICES)


COLLECTION SERVICES: The proposed ordinance reads as follows:

WHEREAS, the City of South Fulton, Tennessee entered in a contract with Republic Services on August

1, 2020, to collect waste materials for residential and commercial units within the City; and WHEREAS, THE City desires to establish refuse collection rates based on the updated pricing structure negotiated between the Contractor and the City; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, that the Board of Commissioners desires to establish the following rates and fees for refuse collections with rates and charges to be readjusted as necessary by amendment to the ordinance: Residential Cart 1 Time Per Week $ 15.14; Additional Trash Cart 1 Time Per Week $ 5.54; Business and Commercial Carts 1 Time Per Week $ 15.14; Business and Commercial Carts 2 Times Per Week $ 30.74; 2CY Commercial 1 Time Per Week $ 73.94; 2CY Commercial 2 Times Per week $ 146.30; 4CY Commercial 1 Time Per Week $ 111.14; 4CY Commercial 2 Times Per week $ 210.02; 6CY Commercial 1 Time Per Week $ 126.26; 6CY Commercial 2 Times Per week $ 255.38; 8CY Commercial 1 Time Per Week $ 139.70; 8CY Commercial 2 Times Per week $ 282.98. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage.

First Reading: November 16, 2023.

Other agenda items listed include: D. Jeremy Britton – Roofing Contract; 14. Citizen Comments -Non- Agenda Items A. Sharye Hendrix – Time Frame to get on Agenda to talk.; B. Kathye Stem – Policy on Dogs at Large 15. Sign-In sheet for Question, Comments, and Suggestions Germane to the agenda 16. Adjournment

To speak about items germane to the agenda speakers must sign the sign-in sheet on the back bench entering the commission room. To address the Commission on items not included on the agenda, speakers must call South Fulton City Hall the Friday before the meeting to get on the agenda. The guidelines are as follows: three (3) minutes are provided to speak; to speak on agenda items, sign sign-in sheet at meeting; and to speak on items not listed on the meeting's agenda, call in to South Fulton City Hall to be put on the agenda to speak about a specific topic. The City Recorder will need to add those items to the agenda on Friday, to provide packets the Commissioners and Mayor.