The South Fulton City Commission will meet Thurs., Feb. 15 at 5 p.m. in the commission room of the South Fulton Municipal Complex. The meeting is open to the public. The meeting room may be accessed through the rear parking lot entrance of the complex.
Items listed on the meeting’s agenda include: 1. Call to order by Mayor; 2. Pledge of Allegiance; 3. Invocation; 4. Roll call; 5. Approval of minutes; 6. Review of January disbursements; 7. Approval of Financials; 8. Approval of Department Reports; 9. Communication from Mayor; 10. Report from City Manager; 11. Commissioners Comments, Questions, and Suggestions; 12. Old Business; 13. New Business, A. Invoice with AirMedCare for Employees, B. Ordinance No. 2024-01 An Ordinance to delete and replace Section 8-109 Of Title 8, Chapter 1 of the South Fulton Municipal Code: ORDINANCE NO. 2024-01, AN ORDINANCE TO DELETE AND REPLACE SECTION 8-109 OF TITLE 8, CHAPTER 1 OF THE SOUTH FULTON MUNICIPAL CODE, WHEREAS, The Board of Mayor and Commissioners of the City of South Fulton previously enacted Section 8-109. Where establishments may be located, of Title 8, Chapter 1 contained as part of the Alcoholic Beverages section of The South Fulton
Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, The Board of Mayor and Commissioners of the City of South Fulton desire
to delete and replace said Section 8-109. Where establishments may be located, of Title 8, Chapter 1 of The South Fulton Municipal Code as previously enacted; and WHEREAS, The Board of Mayor and Commissioners of the City of South Fulton desire to replace said Section 8-109. Where establishments may be located, of Title 8, Chapter
1 of The South Fulton Municipal Code, as hereinafter stated. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by The City of South Fulton, Tennessee that: Section 1: Section 8-109 of Title 8, Chapter 1 of The South Fulton Municipal Code is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: 8-109. Where establishments may be located. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or maintain any retail establishment for the sale, storage, or distribution of alcoholic
beverages in the city/town except at locations zoned for that purpose. Section 2: Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon final passage, the public welfare requiring it. First Reading: February 15, 2024 14. Citizen Comments -Non- Agenda Items; 15. Sign-In sheet for Question, Comments, and Suggestions Germane to the agenda; and 16. Adjournment. To speak about items germane to the agenda sign in on the night of the meeting, on the sheet located on the bench at the entrance into the meeting. To speak on topics, or to address the Mayor and Commissioners on topics, not included on the meeting’s agenda, contact South Fulton City Hall the Friday before the meeting to be placed on the agenda. Each speaker will be allowed three (3) minutes to talk, to address the Commission
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