The Fulton County Fiscal Court will meet for regular monthly session Mon., Feb. 19 at 9 a.m. in the county office building in Hickman. The meeting is open to the public.
Items listed on the agenda include: call to order, Jim Martin, Fulton County Judge/Executive; Pledge of Allegiance; Invocation; Business: 1. Minutes, Naomi Jones, Fulton County Clerk; 2. County Attorney's report, Amanda Major, County Attorney; 3. County Treasurer's Report, Christian Lattus, County Treasurer; 4. Bills; 5. Transfers; 6. Fulton County Employees; 7. Approval of PFGW Architects Professional Services, Gibson Building; 8. Approval of Resolution 2024-1, Supporting Economic Development Fund Application/Riverport; 9. Approval of Resolution 2024-2, Amending the FC Policy Manual and Administrative Code; 10. Approval of Atlas Agreement for Professional Services/FC Workforce Development Grant/RBDG; 11 Approval of Cornerstone Diagnostics Contracts for Employees/DOT; 12. Authorization of Special Transfer of Funds to Road Department; 13. Consider new Budget Amendment; 14. Approval of Grant Agreement for Economic Development Fund for Enterprise Park, Fulton, effective Dec. 7, 2023; 15. Discussion of Recruitment Advertising for Fulton County Detention Center, Steven Williams, Jailer; 16. Any other items not listed on agenda; 17. Executive Closed Session, per KRS 61.810(1)(f).
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