The Fulton County Fiscal Court will meet Mon., April 15 at 9 a.m. in the county office building in Hickman. The meeting is open to the public. Zoom videoconferencing electronic access to the meeting is : Meeting ID, 857 0735 4421, passcode, 926240.
The following items are listed on the meeting's agenda: call to order, Jim Martin, County Judge Executive; Pledge of Allegiance; invocation; business: 1. Minutes from meeting on 3/21 and 3/28, Naomi Jones, Fulton County Clerk; 2. County Attorney's report, Amanda Major, County Attorney; 3. Fulton County Clerk's Quarterly report, Jan.-March, 2024, Fulton County Clerk; 4. Amended budget 2024, Fulton County Clerk; 5. Fulton County Sheriff's quarterly report, Jan.-March, 2024, Fulton County Sheriff Chad Parker; 6. Fulton County Treasurer's quarterly report, Jan. - March, 2024, Christian Lattus; 7. County Treasurer's report, Fulton County Treasurer; 8. Bills; 9. Transfers; 10. Employees; 11. Approval of County Clerk Quietus; 12. Bids for Election Trailer; 13. Consider purchase of Motrim for Road Department; 14. Authorize advertising for Fulton Count Road Department materials for FY 2024/2025; 15. Approval of payment for Gibson Building Contractor; 16. Update on Mills Point Project/Naming Community Center/Plan Dedication; 17. Approval of Fulton County Detention Center Policy and Procedure Manual; 18. Approval of Application of KY Product Development Initiative/Riverport; 19. Discussion of Convective Storm Sinking Fund; 20. Ambulance Discussion; 21. Update on Housing Project; 22. Discussion of Tower; 23. Any other items not listed on the agenda.
The Obion County Commission will meet on Monday, April 15, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the Obion County Mayor’s Office, Union City, Tenn. The meeting is open to the public.
The following items are listed on the meeting's agenda: Session will be opened by the Sheriff; Prayer will be arranged by Mr. Eugene Hudgins (May term by Mr. Terry Roberts); Pledge of Allegiance; Roll Call; Approval of minutes from March 18, 2024 meeting; 1. Evidence Based Jail Resolution, Sam Sinclair, Budget Chairman; 2. One Day Note Resolution, Sinclair, Budget Chairman; 3. Mid-Year Budget Transfers, Sinclair, Budget Chairman; 4. Opioid Budget Abatement; Sam Sinclair, Budget Chairman; 5. Highway Budget Amendment, Sinclair; 6. Notaries
;7. Highway Report,Kevin Dunn, Superintendent; 8. County Attorney Report, Attorney Steve Conley; 9. Any other business that needs to be brought before the Commission; 9(a). Delinquent Tax Properties; 9(b). Reelfoot Lake Tourism; 10. Adjournment.
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