The Fulton County Board of Education will meet in special called session Tues., April 30 at 6 p.m. in the Board Conference Room, 2780 Moscow Avenue, Hickman. The meeting is open to the public.
Items listed on the meeting's agenda include: 1. Welcome A. Roll Call B. Invocation C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. Reading of the Mission Statement- Compassion + High Standards = Growth for All, E. Approve Meeting Minutes
F. Approve Agenda 2. Recognitions A. Student Recognitions B. "All In" Pilot C. Superintendent Special Spotlight
3. Communications A. Community Input 4. Superintendent Notification of Personnel Actions 5. Superintendent Report 6. Department Reports7 . FY 2023 Audit 8. Acknowledgement of Month 8 Attendance 9. Consider/Approve Student Trip to FFA State Convention 10. Consider/Approve Petition for Early Enrollment 11. Consider/Approve FY 24-25 May 1 SBDM Final Allocations 12. Consider/Approve 24-25 LAU (English Language Learner) Plan 13. Consider/Approve 24-25 Continuation of Learning Plan 14. Consider/Approve 24-25 District and School Professional Development Plan 15. Consider/Approve Change Order #3 for Bus Garage 16. Consider/Approve Updated Pilots SEL and Wellness Coach Job Description 17. Consider/Approve Vehicle Mechanic Job Description 18. Consider/Approve Activity Fund Budgets A. Elementary and Middle School B. High School 19. Financial Report - Jennifer Davis 20. Action Items by Consent A. Monthly Reports 1. Payment of Bills 2. Payroll and Direct Deposit Registers Dated 3. School Activity Reports Dated a. Fulton County Elementary/Middle Schoolb. Fulton County High School 21. Discussion Items 22. Closed Session-per KRS 61.810 (1)(f) for the Purpose of Student Hearing 23. Open Session 24. Adjournment
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