Special Called Fulton Commission meeting set for June 17

June 17, 2024

The Board of Commissioners of the City of Fulton Kentucky is hereby called to meet for a SPECIAL CALLED MEETING on MONDAY, JUNE 17, 2024 at 6 p.m., at Fulton City Hall Commission Room, 101 Nelson Tripp Place, to discuss the following:

First Reading of City Ordinance 2024-05 Amending City Ordinance 2023-03 making Appropriations for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024 to Reflect Actual Expenditures; 2. First Reading of City Ordinance 2024-06 Updating the City's Pay Classification Plan; 3. First Reading of City Ordinance 2024-07 Setting the ABC Regulatory License Fee for 2024- 2025 Fiscal Year; 4. First Reading of City Ordinance 2024-08 Increasing the City's Water and Sewer Rates; 5. First Reading of City Ordinance 2024-09 making appropriations for the City Budget for the Fiscal Year starting July 1, 2024 Ending June 30, 2025; 6. Consider Municipal Order 2023-120 approving Job Descriptions for Police Department Administrative Assistant, Administrative Assistant to City Manager & Accounts payable Clerk; 7. Consider Municipal Order 2023-121 authorizing The City Manager to transfer Stormy Travis from part-time to full time position in the Police Department as an Administrative Assistant; 8. Consider Municipal Order 2023-122 Authorizing the City Manager to Advertise for an Accounts Payable Clerk position; 9. Consider Municipal Order 2023-123 to Promote Officer Don Vanvalkenburg to Sergeant in the Police Department; 10. Consider Municipal Order 2023-124 Authorizing the City Manager to Advertise for a City Clerk position in replacement of Retiring City Clerk Helen Lee in October; and 11. Municipal Order 2023-125 Adjourn.