September 22, 2024
The South Fulton City Commission will meet Thurs., Sept. 26 at 5 p.m. in the South Fulton Municipal Complex Commission Room. The meeting is open to the public. The following items are listed on the meeting's agenda:
1. Call to order by Mayor
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation
4. Roll call
5. Approval of minutes
6. Review of August disbursements
7. Approval of Financials
8. Approval of Department Reports
9. Communication from Mayor
10. Report from City Manager
11. Commissioners Comments, Questions, and Suggestions
12. Old Business
A. Bids on sealing and striping Unity Park’s parking lot and walking track
B. Water Tanker Proposal
13. New Business
A. Delinquent 2023 Property Taxes & run ad, 2022 Property Taxes sent to Chancery Court
B. Resolution 2024-06 Community Room Policy
C. Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 2024-05 An Ordinance Adopting and Enacting
Supplemental and Replacement Pages for the Municipal Code of the City of South Fulton
D. Purvis Industries bill – Sewer Plant
E. Obion County Commission – Paving: Chapel Hill Road and Doc Nanney Road
F. Paving
14. Citizen Comments -Non- Agenda Items
A. Sharye Hendrix – Thank You, Police
B. Jake Clapper – Fire Dept., Code Enforcement, Gas and Water, Limb Pickup, Bulk Pickup, Streets
C. Kathye Stem – Code Enforcement: explain the citation process
15. Sign-In sheet for Question, Comments, and Suggestions Germane to the agenda
16. Adjournment
To speak about items germane to the agenda sign the sheet on the back pew, at entrance to commission room.
To address the Mayor and Commissioners on something other than agenda items, call the city hall the Friday before the meeting to get on the agenda.
The guidelines are as follows: each speaker provided 3 minutes to talk; sign in sheet is for speakers who want to speak on agenda items; those who want to speak on items other than what is on the agenda should call in to city hall the Friday before the Thursday meeting to be put on the agenda to speak on a specific topic..
1. Call to order by Mayor
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation
4. Roll call
5. Approval of minutes
6. Review of August disbursements
7. Approval of Financials
8. Approval of Department Reports
9. Communication from Mayor
10. Report from City Manager
11. Commissioners Comments, Questions, and Suggestions
12. Old Business
A. Bids on sealing and striping Unity Park’s parking lot and walking track
B. Water Tanker Proposal
13. New Business
A. Delinquent 2023 Property Taxes & run ad, 2022 Property Taxes sent to Chancery Court
B. Resolution 2024-06 Community Room Policy
C. Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 2024-05 An Ordinance Adopting and Enacting
Supplemental and Replacement Pages for the Municipal Code of the City of South Fulton
D. Purvis Industries bill – Sewer Plant
E. Obion County Commission – Paving: Chapel Hill Road and Doc Nanney Road
F. Paving
14. Citizen Comments -Non- Agenda Items
A. Sharye Hendrix – Thank You, Police
B. Jake Clapper – Fire Dept., Code Enforcement, Gas and Water, Limb Pickup, Bulk Pickup, Streets
C. Kathye Stem – Code Enforcement: explain the citation process
15. Sign-In sheet for Question, Comments, and Suggestions Germane to the agenda
16. Adjournment
To speak about items germane to the agenda sign the sheet on the back pew, at entrance to commission room.
To address the Mayor and Commissioners on something other than agenda items, call the city hall the Friday before the meeting to get on the agenda.
The guidelines are as follows: each speaker provided 3 minutes to talk; sign in sheet is for speakers who want to speak on agenda items; those who want to speak on items other than what is on the agenda should call in to city hall the Friday before the Thursday meeting to be put on the agenda to speak on a specific topic..
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