October 12, 2024
The Hickman City Commission will meet Mon., Oct. 14 at 5 p.m. at Hickman City Hall. The meeting is open to the public.
The following items are listed on the meeting's agenda: Invocation; Pledge of Allegiance; Call to Order; Roll Call; Approval of Minutes from 9/09/2024, regular meeting 9/18/2024, special meeting 9/20/2024, special meeting; Presentations/Public Comments; a) Public works update b) Police report update; New Business; Utility Administrator Report; City Manager's Report; Executive Session, KRS 61.810(1)(f) & KRS 61.810 (1)(c); Adjournment
The Hickman City Commission will meet Mon., Oct. 14 at 5 p.m. at Hickman City Hall. The meeting is open to the public.
The following items are listed on the meeting's agenda: Invocation; Pledge of Allegiance; Call to Order; Roll Call; Approval of Minutes from 9/09/2024, regular meeting 9/18/2024, special meeting 9/20/2024, special meeting; Presentations/Public Comments; a) Public works update b) Police report update; New Business; Utility Administrator Report; City Manager's Report; Executive Session, KRS 61.810(1)(f) & KRS 61.810 (1)(c); Adjournment
The Fulton City Commission will meet for regular session Mon., Oct. 14 at 6 p.m. in the Fulton City Hall Commission Room. The meeting is open to the public. The following items are listed on the meeting's agenda:
Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Remarks and Request from Visitors City Attorney’s Report; 1. Consider Municipal Order 2023-151 Approval of the Minutes of a Regular Meeting held on Monday, August 26, 2024; 2. Consider Municipal Order 2023-159 Approval of the Minutes of a Regular Meeting held on Monday, September 9, 2023; 3. Consider Municipal Order 2023-160 Approval of the Minutes of a Special Call Meeting held on Wednesday, September 11, 2024; 4. Consider Municipal Order 2023-170 Approval of the Minutes of a Regular Meeting held on Monday September 23, 2024; Old Business: New Business:1. Consider Municipal Order 2023-171 to Open a Sealed Bid for Purchase of an Obligation Bond; 2. Consider Municipal Order 2023-172 to Accept the Bid for the Purchase of a $391,000 General Obligation Bond and Approve the Bond Sale; 3. Consider Municipal Order 2023-173 to Accept Jason Miller’s Resignation from the Public Works Department Effective October 7, 2024; 4. Consider Municipal Order 2023-174 to Appoint Gabriel Zalucki as a Student Member of the City’s Park Board; 5. Consider Municipal Order 2023-175 Authorization for City Manager to sign a Contract for Professional Bookkeeping Services with Charles Covington; 6. Consider Municipal Order 2023-176 Authorization for City Manager to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with BFW (Bacon-Farmer-Workman Engineering) in the amount of $1,783,346.00 for Professional Services on the PHMSA (Pipeline andHazardous Material Safety Administration) Pipeline Project #24454; 7. Discussion on the CAP Pilot Program (Continuing Authorities Program) with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; 8. Consider Municipal Order 2023-177 Adjourn into Executive Session to discuss personnel which might lead to the appointment, dismissal, or discipline of an individual employee in compliance with KRS 61.810 (10) Other Business: City Manager, Commissioners, City Attorney, Mayor
The Fulton City Commission will meet for regular session Mon., Oct. 14 at 6 p.m. in the Fulton City Hall Commission Room. The meeting is open to the public. The following items are listed on the meeting's agenda:
Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Remarks and Request from Visitors City Attorney’s Report; 1. Consider Municipal Order 2023-151 Approval of the Minutes of a Regular Meeting held on Monday, August 26, 2024; 2. Consider Municipal Order 2023-159 Approval of the Minutes of a Regular Meeting held on Monday, September 9, 2023; 3. Consider Municipal Order 2023-160 Approval of the Minutes of a Special Call Meeting held on Wednesday, September 11, 2024; 4. Consider Municipal Order 2023-170 Approval of the Minutes of a Regular Meeting held on Monday September 23, 2024; Old Business: New Business:1. Consider Municipal Order 2023-171 to Open a Sealed Bid for Purchase of an Obligation Bond; 2. Consider Municipal Order 2023-172 to Accept the Bid for the Purchase of a $391,000 General Obligation Bond and Approve the Bond Sale; 3. Consider Municipal Order 2023-173 to Accept Jason Miller’s Resignation from the Public Works Department Effective October 7, 2024; 4. Consider Municipal Order 2023-174 to Appoint Gabriel Zalucki as a Student Member of the City’s Park Board; 5. Consider Municipal Order 2023-175 Authorization for City Manager to sign a Contract for Professional Bookkeeping Services with Charles Covington; 6. Consider Municipal Order 2023-176 Authorization for City Manager to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with BFW (Bacon-Farmer-Workman Engineering) in the amount of $1,783,346.00 for Professional Services on the PHMSA (Pipeline andHazardous Material Safety Administration) Pipeline Project #24454; 7. Discussion on the CAP Pilot Program (Continuing Authorities Program) with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; 8. Consider Municipal Order 2023-177 Adjourn into Executive Session to discuss personnel which might lead to the appointment, dismissal, or discipline of an individual employee in compliance with KRS 61.810 (10) Other Business: City Manager, Commissioners, City Attorney, Mayor
The Fulton County Fiscal Court will convene Oct. 15 at 9 a.m. in the Fulton County Office Building in Hickman. the meeting is open to the public. The following items are listed on the meeting's agenda:
The Fulton County Fiscal Court will convene Oct. 15 at 9 a.m. in the Fulton County Office Building in Hickman. the meeting is open to the public. The following items are listed on the meeting's agenda:
(Join Zoom Meeting ID: 843 7675 1554 Passcode: 065081)
CALLED TO ORDER-JIM MARTIN, FULTON COUNTY JUDGE EXECUTIVE; PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE; INVOCATION; BUSINESS: 1. MINUTES- Naomi Jones, Fulton County Clerk 2. COUNTY ATTORNEY'S REPORT- Amanda Major, County Attorney 3. FULTON COUNTY CLERKS QUARTERLY REPORT- (July-September 2024)- Naomi Jones 4. FULTON COUNTY CLERKS BUDGET AMENDMENT- Naomi Jones 5. FULTON COUNTY SHERIFFS QUARTERLY REPORT-(July-September 2024)-Chad Parker 6. FULTON COUNTY TREASURERS REPORT- (July-September 2024)- Christian Lattus 7. COUNTY TREAURER'S REPORT- Christian Lattus, Fulton County Treasurer 8. Bills 9. Employees; 10. Transfers 11. Approval of Tax Bill Prep- Naomi Jones, Fulton County Clerk 12. Approval of Sheriff's Official Receipt for Tax Bills- Naomi Jones, Fulton County Clerk 13. Approval of County Priority Projects Program Application for Road Work 14. Matched Funds for the USDA RD RCDI Award 15. Approval of AT&T Participation Agreement- JL Atwill 16. Authorize Transfer from ARPA to ICEE Board $170,000.00 17. PVA Request for New Printer- Pete Morgan 18. ARPA Budget 19. Fire/Rescue Construction Budget 20. Any Other Items Not Listed on Agenda 21. CLOSED SESSION KRS 61.810(1)(f) .The Next Fulton County Fiscal Court meeting will be Tuesday Nov. 19, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.
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