March 26, 2025

The Fulton County Board of Education will meet Thurs., March 27 at 6 p.m. at the board office in Hickman. The meeting is open to the public. The following items are listed on the meeting's agenda:
1. Welcome
A. Roll Call
B. Invocation
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. Reading of the Mission Statement- Compassion + High Standards = Growth for All
E. Approve Meeting Minutes
F. Approve Agenda
2. Student Presentations
3. Recognitions
A. Superintendent Special Spotlight
4. Communications
A. Community Input
5. Superintendent Notification of Personnel Actions
6. Superintendent Report
7. Department Reports
8. Acknowledgement of Monthly Attendance
9. Consider/Approve Student-Related Trip Request
A. SKILLS USA State Competition
B. 7th & 8th Grade Adventure Science Center Nashville, TN
10. Consider/Approve FMLA Request for Employee #729
11. FY 2024 Audit Presentation
12. Consider/Approve KETS 2nd Offer of Assistance
13. Financial Report - Jennifer Davis
14. Action Items by Consent
A. Monthly Reports
1. Payment of Bills
a. Approve Superintendent Travel Reimbursement
2. Payroll and Direct Deposit Registers Dated
3. Fulton County Elementary/Middle School
4. School Activity Reports Dated
a. Fulton County High School
15. Discussion Items
16. Closed Session-per KRS 61.810 (1)(f) for the Purpose of Personnel
17. Open Session
18. Adjournment
1. Welcome
A. Roll Call
B. Invocation
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. Reading of the Mission Statement- Compassion + High Standards = Growth for All
E. Approve Meeting Minutes
F. Approve Agenda
2. Student Presentations
3. Recognitions
A. Superintendent Special Spotlight
4. Communications
A. Community Input
5. Superintendent Notification of Personnel Actions
6. Superintendent Report
7. Department Reports
8. Acknowledgement of Monthly Attendance
9. Consider/Approve Student-Related Trip Request
A. SKILLS USA State Competition
B. 7th & 8th Grade Adventure Science Center Nashville, TN
10. Consider/Approve FMLA Request for Employee #729
11. FY 2024 Audit Presentation
12. Consider/Approve KETS 2nd Offer of Assistance
13. Financial Report - Jennifer Davis
14. Action Items by Consent
A. Monthly Reports
1. Payment of Bills
a. Approve Superintendent Travel Reimbursement
2. Payroll and Direct Deposit Registers Dated
3. Fulton County Elementary/Middle School
4. School Activity Reports Dated
a. Fulton County High School
15. Discussion Items
16. Closed Session-per KRS 61.810 (1)(f) for the Purpose of Personnel
17. Open Session
18. Adjournment
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