Coach Knott shares ‘Media Day’ observations

by Jake Clapper

In late July, at Media Day, South Fulton High School Red Devils’ Head Football Coach Eric Knott had 20 returning players this upcoming season. Of the 20 returning players seven to eight of them were starters last year.

In commenting on the key players of his program, Coach Knott said “When you talk offensively you have to think about offensive line. Garrett Slaughter, is one of the three best centers I’ve ever coached. He’s very smart, he knows offense and defense, he knows all of those things. Jaden Knott is another. Slaughter and Knott have to anchor the offensive line because they are four year starters, due to injuries during their freshmen year they had to go in and play against grown men while they 13 or 14-year-old boys. I expect big things from those two. Bryce McFarland makes the plays happen because he run the ball and throw the RPO’s for the things we do like that. Brock and Rider on the outside corners and Eli at Tight End. Whenever you have a 220-pound tight end you need to get him the football. That’s what our passing is geared towards, getting those three men the ball. Tyler will be moving inside to guard and Mason at full back. Harper being a 265-pound full back is a pretty big deal. All three of our tail backs are going have to play very well to replace what we had back there last year, Greg Davis. Cade, Dalton, and Dylan are all good. They are about neck and neck so I don’t have a clear-cut starter.”

“Defensively once again we have to start up front. Harper is a terror on the defensive line. He commands double teams and things like that. He’s very smart when it comes to seeing what the offensive is doing. We played him back at linebacker and D tackle last year. Mason Gaskins calls the defensive for Coach Wilson. Dylan Ransom has really stepped up the past two years. We have moved him all over the place and no matter where we’ve moved him he’s been able to not only play there but excel there. He’s been the team’s MVP at linebacker for the past two years. Drew Barclay gets everyone lined up and he brings the speed and grit. We can play some old school cover two with him or cover three, cover four, and even some hybrid things with him as well,” Coach Knott said.

“Our greatest asset is versatility. With the amount of adversity, we’ve had in the past four years where people have gotten injured we have had to move people to different spots which allows us to put out aces in their spaces and have the best 11 on the field at the same time. Our biggest challenge is going to be our depth. It’s going to be paramount that we keep everyone healthy this year,” he said.