Purchase District Health Department will be the first provider of fresh produce July 22 at Fulton’s new Farmers Market, located at 300 Walnut St.
In addition to offering fresh produce on July 22 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, the Purchase District Health Department will provide the produce at no cost to the public. PDHD will provide up to 300 insulated tote bags for distribution of the free fresh produce.
Other items to be included in the give-away are Healthy in the Heartland Local Wellness books, I Heart Vegetables books, Farmer’s Market Tip Card and other educational materials such as WIC outreach and education information.
Sponsors’ promotional items will also be available on site.
The PDHD, in partnership with Humana, WellCare, Passport Health Plan, Aetna and United Healthcare, has secured over $3,250 in funds to purchase fresh, locally grown produce for the give-away event.
The University of Kentucky Extension Office will provide a kids activity that day, during produce give-away hours, to include seed planting and a terra-cotta painting project.
The public is invited to the give-away, with any produce left over following the public distribution to be donated to the Ken-Tenn and ARK food banks.
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