SPARKLE AND SHINE – The entry by Jackson Purchase Distillery claimed the first place prize in the Hickman Recreation Tourism Convention Commission parade held Dec. 10. Second place went to Fulton County High School’s Future Farmers of America and third place Four Rivers Career Academy. (Photo submitted)
VISIT FROM SANTA - Santa and Mrs. Claus attended the Hickman Christmas Parade held Dec. 10. The parade made its way down Seventh Street for parade viewers to enjoy. (Photo submitted)
ALL DECORATED FOR CHRISTMAS - Side-by-side vehicles and four-wheelers were among the decorated vehicles in the Hickman Christmas Parade held Dec. 10. (Photo submitted)
FLOATING ALONG - Jackson Distillery entered a float in the Hickman Christmas Parade on Dec. 10. The event was sponsored by the Hickman Recreation Tourism Convention Commission. (Photo submitted)
FOUR RIVERS ENTRY - The Four Rivers Career Academy entered a float in the Hickman Christmas parade on Dec. 10. The parade traveled down Seventh Street and was sponsored by Hickman Recreation Tourism Convention Commission. (Photo submitted)
FOOOOUUURRR - This golf cart was among the entries in the Hickman Christmas Parade held Dec. 10. The parade was sponsored by the Hickman Recreation Tourism Convention Commission and travelled down Seventh Street for parade attendees to enjoy. (Photo submitted)
OLD FASHION HAY RIDE - Bill and Chrysteen Goodman and Walt Goodman Farms sponsored a float in the Hickman Christmas parade held Dec. 10. Hickman Recreation Tourism Convention Commission sponsored the annual event. (Photo submitted)
THE GRINCH ARRIVES - The Wilson and Rudy families entered a Grinch float in the Hickman Christmas Parade on Dec. 10. The parade traveled down Seventh Street for parade onlookers to enjoy. The parade was sponsored by Hickman Recreation Tourism and Convention Commission. (Photo submitted)